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Managers and owners of UADBB "Kreditų draudimo brokeris", UADBB "Rizikos valdymo specialistai", UAB "RVS konsultacijos", UAB "Skolų valdymo partneris", in accordance with the "Anti-Corruption Guide for Business", the best practice of corruption resistance of small and medium-sized enterprises, the recommendations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development for Multinational Enterprises, the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions:

  • endorses this Corruption Resilience Policy as one of the elements of a company's resilience to corruption;
  • agree to set an appropriate example by their behaviour;
  • informs company employees of the importance of this policy.


In the course of our business, we comply with all the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, the EU and other legal acts, and the provisions of this Policy.


We do not tolerate any form of criminal activity or dishonest business conduct:

  • Soliciting, accepting, giving or authorising a bribe, directly or indirectly, trading in influence.
  • Bribery of officials of the Republic of Lithuania and foreign states.
  • Participation in cartel agreements.
  • Payments to facilitate business transactions.
  • Giving or accepting gifts, donations or other benefits contrary to tradition and international protocol which could influence unlawful decisions.
  • Improper accounting practices and tax evasion.
  • Participation in criminal or other business activities that are not in accordance with business ethics.

Conflicts of interest

We avoid conflicts of interest that may adversely affect the impartial performance of the duties or functions of public sector entities and the development of business.


We take steps to ensure that our employees are loyal and trustworthy, comply with this policy and protect the reputation of the company. We encourage our employees to behave honestly and ethically by setting the right example.

Business partners

We give priority to business partners that have anti-corruption measures in place and publish and adhere to an anti-corruption policy.


We publicly disclose the application of this policy within the company and make it possible for employees or other interested parties to report corruption-sensitive behaviour observed within the company. Our corporate governance processes enable us to detect and address potential violations and hold employees accountable.

This policy was approved by decision of the Board of Directors on 20/10/2023.